Before you start
Consent for participation
In order for us to be able to use your data for our research, we need you to fill out what is called a ‘consent form.’ We ask you that you read the consent form text carefully. If you have any doubts regarding the contents of this consent form, please get in touch with us using the contact information given.
If you decide to participate in our study, complete the form linked below and then continue with the steps that follow.
Getting started
In the next page you will receive instructions on how to obtain your Android phone apps timestamps data, which is labeled as “My Activity” in the Google Takeout platform. Once you have received your file, you will fill out a short questionnaire in which you will be able to upload it. If you choose to, you will be able to remove all apps names from the downloaded data before uploading the file.
It takes less than 15 minutes for most people to “order” this file from Google. I would suggest using a laptop or a desktop computer for comfort, although it is just as easy on a phone. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you face any issues whatsoever!
Click the button below to get started.